Speak No Guile

For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. . 1 Peter 3:10

This verse lets us know that loving life and seeing good days is connected to the words we speak. A sick day isn’t a good day. A broke day isn’t a good day.

We like to believe that Satan is always the source of our problems in life, but the truth is, evil speaking fills a life with terrible things. That’s the harvest on seeds sown.

It is to be understood that Satan is the author of all sickness and evil, but evil words spoken opens the door to Satan to fill our life with hellish things. 

There’s much emphasis placed on our diet, but the Bible points out that one of the top killers of man is his tongue, not just his diet!

If we are to walk in health and the fullness of God’s redemption, we must pay strict attention to how we use our tongue. Sometimes we think too highly of our own opinion and of what we say! We think we’re always right, but Paul warns us in Romans 12:3 not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

Some people speak evil out of pure habit. Criticizing and judging have become their way of thinking and speaking. They don’t even listen to themselves anymore to notice how they sound.

Are people safe with you when they’re absent?

It takes a real effort to allow only sweet waters to flow from the tongue, but ask the Holy Spirit to help you, for He is the Helper! In fact, speaking only sweet words will help you achieve and maintain divine health and prosperity in every arena of life! - (Excerpt from Daily Healing Bread from God’s Table by Nancy Dufresne.)