The Supply of God

In Genesis 1, we see God created the heavens and the earth. When He created the earth, He supplied it with everything man would ever need. After Creation was complete, then He created man. Man was the purpose for the creation of the earth. The earth was created to provide a suitable habitation for man and for all man would ever need. The earth is to serve man and his needs. God had man’s supply in mind when He created the earth. God fully supplied the earth before He placed man here. By doing this, He showed us that He provided the supply before man ever faced a need.

As born again children of God, we must always remember that every need we face already has a supply. We just have to release our faith to receive that supply and allow the supply to annihilate the need. 

We should allow what God tells us in Philippians 4:19 to renew our thinking, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” The emphasis in the mind of many believers is how great their needs are, but God wants this verse to give us His emphasis, which is how great God’s supply for our life is. No longer should we be need conscious, but we should be supply conscious. The supply was provided before there was ever a need.

There is a divine order in this verse. “God” is listed first, then “supply,” then “need”. So the order is: 1) God, 2) Supply, 3) Need.

Always keep God first - not the need. The supply is listed before your need, for God provided a supply before your need ever arose. Never change the divine order and put your need in front of the supply by being more conscious of the need than the supply. God put the supply in front of the need, so hold the supply before the need in your thinking, your speaking, and your actions. - (Excerpt from, “I Have a Supply” by Nancy Dufresne.)