Stir Yourself Up

A minister once said, “It seems that for God’s plans to come forth, He goes into our future and brings us THE WORD necessary - the word that must be proclaimed in order to get us to where we are to be on His good path for our lives.”  He brings us a word!

The Word of God is incorruptible seed! Everything started as a seed. God cannot do anything apart from His Word (seed).  It’s how He does everything.“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.” 1 Peter 1:23-25

Not only does the Word of God stand forever, but He is constantly watching over HIS WORD to perform it! His Word must be in our hearts and coming out of our mouths - exercising our authority in the earth for Him to perform it for us. "Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it."  Jeremiah 1:12

Acceleration!  Days of acceleration! Quick harvests on seeds planted.  ALL seeds.

“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel . . . . Amos 9 13-15

Below are a few Words of the Lord to stir yourself up in and EXPECT God to accomplish these words in you, your family and in Beyond Church!  Exercise your faith in these words knowing God is watching over them! Hallelujah!

Pastor Nate:
What would take 10 years will take 1 and what would take 20 will take 2.  That is this House.

Jerry Savelle:
“These are days of acceleration," says the Lord.  â€œDays in which I will cause those who demonstrate an uncompromising stand on my Word and an unwavering faith in My Promises to experience in one year what used to take 10 years and in 2 years what previously took 20 years.  I am in a hurry to get things done and to fulfill all that I have declared and you are the generation that will see it come to pass.  Settle it in your heart once and for all that giving up, giving in, and turning back are no longer a part of your lifestyle and I assure you that your future will be filled with good things and your victories will be many!”

Marty Blackwelder
(From an article he read and he wanted to read it to us this night because it seems applicable right now)
You would ask, “Can a situation or a season change overnight?” Thus says the Lord, “Not only can it, but it will. Many of you have been waiting and calling out to Me for changes, crying out for the promises I have spoken to you perhaps in days past. And you’ve waited and waited and it seems like the waiting will never come to an end.” But the Lord says, “Now is the time when the winds of change are blowing, and things are going to happen faster and faster. (I guess because Jesus is coming there might be an acceleration) And you’ll see things that I’ve promised you, and you’ll see those things that I’ve said will be fulfilled in your lives, and in your ministry, and in your finances, and in your family, and in every area of your lives. You will see those things that seem to have been delayed, be released. Don’t become discouraged. Don’t become disheartened. Do not think it as a proverb spoken in Ezekiel, ‘Well the time keeps passing…none of the visions are fulfilled.’ But know that the time has come for the fulfillment of every vision. I will do what I said I will do. And you will do what I’ve said you will do. And you will have what I said you will have.” “Watch,” says the Lord, as I begin to turn things…as I begin to change things…and as I begin to do that which would seem impossible. And you’ll say as in Psalm 126, ‘It’s like a dream. The Lord turned our captivity and is filling our mouths with laughter and our tongues with singing.’ Because He who promised is faithful, and He will do what He promised He will do.”

God is working-He’s heard your prayers. Psalms 34:15

“2023-God’s going to bring restitution. God’s going to bring restoration. I don’t know if maybe you’ve lost some things, you’ve had some setbacks. I don’t know what the situation might be but God is a God of restoration.  God can change the course of events in such a way as to alter the perceived outcome.  Maybe you’re facing something at this moment, and the perceived outcome does not look very favorable.  But God can alter events in such a way, or change events, change circumstances, as to alter the perceived outcome and bring us to a place of victory. God can turn seemingly impossible situations.  God has innumerable ways of bringing things into our possession and into our lives to fulfill his promises.”

Rick Renner
2023 is a year of DIVINE SURPRISES, DIVINE PROVISION, AND DIVINE REVELATION for those who will receive it.  

Pastor Nate
So I want you to know.  I want to work with you.  I want to work with you in all that you do.  Everywhere you go; every step you take a new flow, and it’s with Me.  A new song.  A song of rejoicing.  A song of victory.  A song of I AM Who I AM, and I will be Who I will be. Bring Me into what you thought was impossible, and you will hold a new understanding of Who I AM.  More than words on a page, or words from this pulpit.  You will hold; you will know a Rhema Word where I pull back the covers, and unveil to you Who I AM.